2. Nicole Kidman
3. Set in Australia
4. Baz Luhrman directing

Watch this and then you decide....
Things I was unsatisfied with:
Overall, I'd rate this movie a 9!!! Go see it!! You will not regret it!!
3 Reasons why it didn't get a 2:
1. THE MAKEOVERS! So much fun!!!
2. Anna Faris was really likeable.
3. WE LAUGHED SO MUCH!!! There were many funny and unexpected things. Sometimes the funniest stuff is in the trailer....that wasn't the case with this movie.
I could go on and on....instead I shall now post a quote from my dear friend Vanessa:
"Christine Baranski is a hoot, with a body to die for at her age and can knock those young girls out of the water. I couldn't get enough of the ABBA songs and can't wait for Shannon to burn the soundtrack for me. This movie will knock your socks off, your dancing socks that is!"
If you haven't seen this yet, run...don't walk....to the nearest theater and prepare yourself for the most fun you've ever had in a theater!!
3) The end was weird and I kept thinking "is it over?" "Is it over now?"
3 reasons it wasn't a 10:
(Hillary) hmmmm it appears I liked this movie so much more than Shannon. This is the best new movie I have seen in 2008. The storyline is fresh and the writing has the perfect balance of corny humor and genuine emotion. I love Amy Adams, she reprises her roll as Giselle in Enchanted in many ways but it's perfect for DeLyssia Lafosse! Just her character's name cracks me up. The leading men were adorable and loveable, and the sets were fabulously 1930's. Francis McDormand was amazing; normally her rolls don't excite me because she plays harsh characters but here she is warm and sad.
Miss Pettigrew has a sweet surface story but it moved me with a reminder of the plight of unmarried and destitute women prior to the women's movement. DeLyssia LaFosse had no choice, if she wanted to progress in her career, she was forced to use her sexuality. Miss Pettigrew didn't have that option so she became homeless. As much as I dislike Gloria Steinem, and I believe the women's movement had some negative effects on families and society, I can't deny the gratitude I feel for her and the choices her efforts have given modern women.
Miss Pettigrew gives us a typical fairy tale ending, but it was handled in a believable way and it was quite satisfying.
3 reasons why it wasn't a 3: