Why am I excited about TV this week? Two names: Eli Stone and GEORGE MICHAEL. That's right, you read correctly:
GEORGE MICHAEL. Are you watching Eli Stone? Well, you should be.

I first came to know of this show because my first true love, GEORGE MICHAEL was in it. Eli Stone is about a lawyer, named, well, Eli Stone, who has auditory and visual hallucinations. His first auditory hallucination involves the song Faith, by GEORGE MICHAEL (ok, I will stop using capital letters now. I will assume you understand how excited I am). Eventually, Eli Stone learns he has a brain aneurism which is causing him to have these hallucinations. Through an acupuncturist, Eli learns he may be receiveing these visions from God and he must use the law to help people.
For the first few episodes, George Michael songs are prominently feautred and serve as insipiration for Mr. Stone. What is not to love about this concept?! And this week, the episode that I have been longing for has arrived: George Michael, HIMSELF, (sorry, couldn't resist) will be an actual guest star. I haven't been this excited since 1987 when Faith won R&B Album of the Year. Not a fan of George Michael? Well, no worries (not everyone has a refined taste in music) Johnny Lee Miller as Eli Stone is incentive enough. He is yet another example of how the best actors on TV right now are all British.
Johnny Lee Mill not enough? Still- don't worry, he is surrounded by an excellent cast including Victor Garber, Loretta Devine and Natasha Hendstrdige. Trust me- I am never wrong when it comes to TV shows. You can thank me later.
When I think of TV and the George Michael, there's only one person I think of--Michael Cera as George Michael Bluth. It took me a moment to remember your love of George Michael and realize we were thinking of two different people.
Thanks for the tip about Eli Stone. We'll have to watch it. You have never never led me astray in the past.
Michael Cera is boss! or at least he is as Pauly Bleeker. :) Now I'm sitting here trying to think of all the actors I love who aren't English....but Christy you're right b/c the list is not very long. I love Eli Stone but the #1 reason I tune in is SpyDaddy... just when I was sure he coudln't do anything else....
At first, I thought you meant George Michael Bluth had a spin-off and I was so excited! Not that I don't love me some GEORGE MICHAEL, I spent last Friday night You-Tubing (can that officially be a verb now) some of his best stuff, but really...I just couldn't love the Bluth's more, but since that is a lost cause, I will download Eli Stone on iTunes and give it a shot.
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