Wow it's hard to know where to start with this one....

There were lots of scenes like this.....

And tons of him in that amazing outfit....

I'd like to thank all the directors who overdo scenes with Hugh simply walking....not to mention flying naked through the air into a waterfall! This is the best Hugh movie since.....well since Australia! haha
AND THE HAIR!!! Sorry Vanessa but I completely loved it! Come on admit it--you wanted to run your fingers through it too!
The girl was perfect--loved the love story! Liev Schreiber was uncomfortably awesome. So was Tim Riggins!!! Time flew and I would totally see it again.
But how was the story?
Wait--was there a story?
I have never seen an X-men movie and not sure I'm going to but I would see this one just for Tim Riggins. LOVE LOVE LOVE HIM!
The hair was very John Travolta-esque circa Saturday Night Fever in some scenes. But yes. He was very hot and it sort of makes me want to go and rent X-Men.
The waterfall scene was a-wesome!!!! I didn't realize there were more X-Men movies other than the first one---is he in all of them???? I'll have to have a X-Men marathon!!
oh yes he is the star of all 3 x-movies. AND HE'S JUST THAT HOT EVERY TIME!!! In fact that's where I first fell in love w/him. V if you think the hair was weird in this one--totally check out the others!! you all should see them all--totally worth it! And it would put together some of the pieces from this one b/c they all tie together.
Loved this show. Seriously, Hugh, Taylor, Ryan. Oh man. Any one want to go see it again?
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