This movie was one of the biggest surprises for me--maybe ever! I'm not at all a trekkie and I totally never watched a full episode of the real show. But Caroline was in town and she wanted to go and frankly, I wanted to go "
watch Eric Bana make Captain Kirk his bitch." At least that's what it says on the cover of details this month.

Just the picture of him gives me shivers!

Anyway I loved the prequel and I loved how they tied it all together. I'm not sure if Trekkies liked it--I hope so b/c I want them to make more movies w/these people!!

And just for the record, I didn't think Eric Bana made Captiain Kirk his bitch--I thought Captain Kirk pretty much made everyone in the whole movie his bitches!!! So good and so hot! Well I mean he did get the sh*% kicked out of him like 12 times in 2 hours--but he definitely took the lickins and kept on tickin! See what I mean? No biggie--just a scratch!

Spock was perfect! In fact all of them were! Loved Karl Urban too (can't remember his name in the movie--Eomer from LOTRings).
It was just a huge surprise and I can't wait to see it in the IMAX while I'm here in DC!!!
I'm seeing it over Memorial Day weekend. I'm not a Trekkie either but can't wait to see it!!
You said bitch.
I'm not a Trekie either Shanny, but LOVED, LOVED, LOVED it!!! What you can't believe is that Bana didn't make Kirk his bitch?What I can't believe is how many times you said Bitch in your blog!! Tee hee! Miss ya!!!
~Lola O'Hatton
Miss you too Lola! :) Wow I am surprised I surprised both of you w/my language. haha I did notice in re-reading this how funny it is that I fixed sh*% but not bitch. That's hilarious.
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